5 Secrets to Successful Poultry Farming


Poultry farming is a lucrative agricultural enterprise whose scope includes a wide range of birds, including turkey, chicken, quails, ducks, geese, and guinea fowls. In Kenya, chicken farming is the most common form of poultry production involving egg or meat production. It is a very fulfilling venture if done right, but agri-preneures must understand the following basic requirements before venturing in the poultry production business.


1. Thorough market research and analysis

The most important aspect of market research any farmer must consider is the demand that needs to be met in a given market segment. What is a given market demanding at any given time? Is there a high demand for eggs, kienyeji meat, or broiler meat? Many aspiring farmers have fallen to rich quick schemes by copy-pasting what neighbors or friends are doing, or the massaged television stories on smart farmers, remember the scam that was quails? Take time to talk to clients, do a market survey in eateries, open-air markets, and supermarkets. Study the seasonal trends and of the poultry products market to create a precise forecast of your expectations. In short, understand the market fluctuations together with the preferences of your target client. 

2. Farm location and housing

Poultry production is not dependent on weather patterns and can do well in any region across the country. However, peri-urban and city outskirts are the best locations since they offer a ready market for your products. The most common housing models are the deep liter though cage systems are fast taking root. The house should be free of dampness, draught vermin infestation. This is possible through covering the floor with wood shavings or sawdust, leak-free roofing, east-west house orientation to prevent direct sunlight, and blocking the windward side to control draught or strong wind currents. It should also be adequately ventilated for maximum air circulation.

3. Choice of breeds and chick supplier

Chick hatching has been into a commercial enterprise with many unlicensed hatcheries mushrooming in every estate. Do proper research on the best breeds in peak production, growth rate, feed conversion efficiency, and disease resistance. Look for licensed hatcheries to who have standardized breeds with traceable performance avoid been conned. Remember, cheap is expensive. The other day I saw a sad farmer ranting how he lost ksh.300,000 to some chicken, which at 7months could not weigh 1.5kgs.


4. Biosecurity control 

Chicken is highly perceptible to the protozoan, biotic and viral infections, parasites, mold, and yeast attacks. I don’t want to share with you how I once lost 200 chicks to a stray cat. It is imperative to ensure the rearing environment has optimal conditions like; optimum temperature, good airflow, low humidity, lowest possible dampness levels. The feeding and watering troughs must be cleaned daily and disinfected regularly since they easily harbor pathogens. Ensure the premises are biosecurity safe through proper fencing and minimum flock visits. Finally, establish and follow a strict vaccination schedule and have a vet always on standby.

5. Record keeping

Anything that has not been recorded cannot be accounted for. Serious farmers must never ignore the importance of good record keeping. All agronomical practices must be accurately and precisely documented. They include vaccination production, feeding to grams per bird, weight sampling per week to establish production efficiency.

 With these few tips, let’s all go out and make profits from birds.


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