Five Tips to Successful Dairy Farming.

  To run the enterprise on a positive balance sheet, there are several tips that Murimi would have utilized and which all of us who are aspiring or practising farm enthusiasts can benefit from.

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1. Draw a Farm plan and SWOT Analysis

Farming is a business and more so dairy farming. Therefore developing a detailed business plan and an Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the program and the resources at your disposal, is the first and most critical step to a successful farming project. It should include aspects like; how many animals to work with, where to market your product, the number and skills of employees to work with, your financial requirements after the business obligations are met. The business plan should also factor a cash flow analysis to monitor costs of production, thus help you rationalize your expectations.

2. Work with Experts in the Dairy sector

It would have helped Mr Murimi to consult experts in animal production in the designing of his farm management plan even if he had some prior experience in the agricultural value chain system.

Visiting other dairy farmers, attending field days, is a great resource since it helps you to know what has worked or has not worked for others in the sub-sector.

Working with nutritionists, agronomists, extension officers, and other experts in agriculture provide a different perspective on dairy farm project management.

3. Market research

Another critical aspect that could have cost Mr Murimi in his venture was a shallow understanding of the dairy value chain. A deep analysis of the market opportunities in this value chain will prevent impulse marketing. The farmer must be innovative in the marketing approach and always strive to sell the produce to the direct consumers instead of go-betweens, which in this case are cooperatives. Proactive marketing of dairy products is now possible through employing innovations like; Milk ATMs, door to door delivery, value addition to simple products like yoghurt, which will fetch higher prices, thus increasing the margins.

4. Biosecurity management

Dairy farming is a biological system that highly depends on the health and productivity of the herd. The farmer must therefore develop a good program on; health, nutrition, and reproduction of the dairy herd. Regular vaccination, proper nutrition, and genetic enhancement of the animals should, therefore, be put in place for a successful production.

5. Scheduled evaluation

After all, is said and done you are the manager of your enterprise since you are the real enthusiast while all the other factors are just pieces in the puzzle. It would be best if you, therefore, stuck to the laid up farm plan and regularly evaluate it to seal the gaps that will be emerging. Farming is a journey and therefore, should not be treated as an end in itself. Keep learning; keep innovating never quit.



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