5 Secrets to Successful Poultry Farming
Poultry farming is a lucrative agricultural enterprise whose scope includes a wide range of birds, including turkey, chicken, quails, ducks, geese, and guinea fowls. In Kenya, chicken farming is the most common form of poultry production involving egg or meat production. It is a very fulfilling venture if done right, but agri-preneures must understand the following basic requirements before venturing in the poultry production business. 1. Thorough market research and analysis The most important aspect of market research any farmer must consider is the demand that needs to be met in a given market segment. What is a given market demanding at any given time? Is there a high demand for eggs, kienyeji meat, or broiler meat? Many aspiring farmers have fallen to rich quick schemes by copy-pasting what neighbors or friends are doing, or the massaged television stories on smart farmers, remember the scam that was quails? Take time to talk to clients, do a market ...